Together We Protect

Birds of prey (also known as raptors) have a carnivorous diet and are excellent hunters. They have a curved and sharp beak (which is used to tear and cut), strong claws (which allow them to capture prey more easily) and keen senses.

These birds are at the top of the food chain and can be divided into two groups:

  • Diurnal, such as eagles, hawks or vultures;
  • Nocturnal, such as owls.

How to distinguish?

Diurnal birds of prey use the hours of light to hunt, quite different from the nocturnal birds of prey that prefer to hunt at dusk or dawn.

Nocturnal birds of prey have specialized feathers, very useful for a silent flight. These birds do not build their own nests, but use the ones from others. They can also lay their eggs on the ground or in hidden places.

How can you help?

Changing some simple behaviours in our daily lives and supporting some conservation projects.

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